Friday 14 December 2012

Chicken creation

Here's another creation from the Misfits book. I do enjoy making these little characters.

Normally, I draw around the template, pin two pieces of the material together and then cut around the lines I've drawn....then i try and machine sew them. Because the t-shirt material is so fluid (for want of a better word!), it is so difficult to stretches and moves as you sew, so it's almost impossible to sew along the lines without frequently lifting up the foot to re-align things. Had a bolt of lightening strike me, not sure where it came from but it was as if my solitary brain cell had suddenly woken up! Instead of cutting the templates out, why not just pin the recycled t-shirt material together and then sew it, BEFORE you cut it out. This made an amazing difference. It was easy to sew and turn the material and I had none of the problems I had before. RESULT!

The other thing I learnt when making said chicken? His head is made of two pieces of white felt. When turning felt the right way need to leave way more than you think to be able to turn it through so as not to stretch the felt.

See, even this old bird can learn new things! Only trouble is, I am so old my brain doesn't have a very good memory....I believe they call it goldfish bowl syndrome!

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