Saturday 29 December 2012

Bunny, Dalmatian and Owl!

I've been at it again! I'm working my way through the Misfits book, one by one. You might remember, all the Misfits are made from recycled clothes that people have given me. When I get them, I sit and chop the seams out and take the buttons off - this leaves me with material that's ready to go (or should I say, ready to sew!). The only colour I'm seriously lacking is black - there's only so much of your own clothes you can justify chopping up! Have made a mental note to raid the charity shop for black t-shirts.

To give you an idea of comparative sizes, here's a piccie of all three creations together:

 The Owl? Was a pair of men's brown trousers! The Bunny? Was a red jumper and a patterned orange t-shirt. The dalmatian? Was a cream fleece. The spots on the dalmatian were painted on with black Dylon fabric paint. This paint takes a while to dry and to make it permanent, you have to iron it. This will be my first opportunity to use my Christmas present too: a mini craft iron with a spade tip! Had I thought about it of course, I could have painted the spots on the fleece before I cut the pieces out but hey-ho, I live and learn!

Ideally, instead of using googly eyes, I would like to use old buttons but at the moment my stash of buttons is very meagre! The bunny and the dalmatian noses are both recycled buttons tho!

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