Wednesday 17 October 2012

Sharon the Sheep!

This is the cutest one so far - her name is Sharon and in case you didn't know, she's a sheep! The black face is an old t-shirt and the cream body is an old fleece that belonged to my friend's mum! True recycling at it's best! She's another creation from the Misfits book. She has a black button for her nose, which if I remember rightly, was a spare off a black cardigan. I decided she looked better with googly eyes! We used a black pen to colour her arms and legs but i think if I make her again, I'd make her arms and legs separately out of black material and then stitch them on afterwards - wouldn't want a child to suck on them and end up with black lips! 

1 comment:

  1. I think she's cute too. She would be my favourite...... Though u r not supposed to favour any of them or the rest will get upset.
