Saturday 20 October 2012

Mini breads - salt dough

We like most things crafty and here I've made some bread out of salt dough. 

I've made loads of salt dough items in the past and there's something quite therapeutic about making and modelling in salt dough. It's very tactile and I love the fact that you can virtually make anything out of it with a little imagination and patience. These little loaves, with or without the poppy and sesame seed toppings, look really authentic. The baguettes are so simple, just a roll of salt dough slightly flattened on top and then indented with a knife. There's even a mini pretzel! The loaves aren't coloured in anyway, just varnished with gloss polyurethane varnish which naturally changes the colour of the pale salt dough to this bread-look-alike!           


  1. I looked up salt dough and made these!I used acrylic paint for details and they looked real and amazing!!!

  2. I also finished with a clear top coat or you could use a top coat clear in spray paint.But I found it easier with nail polish.
