Saturday 6 October 2012

Reindeer Christmas decs, a fish and a monkey!

We've been at it again, making Christmas decs, this time with reindeer on.  These have our Christmas spice inside still but as they are a little larger, we used a wider ribbon for the top.  We again stitched strips of red and green together to make the quilted backs.

Here's the fish, another from the Misfits book, he's called Goldie!  Luckily someone gave me some orange buttons that they had left over and I thought I'd never find a use for them!  But here they are as Goldie's eyes, just perfect!
And the latest creation?  A monkey called Maki.  He's made from the brown t-shirt we bought from a charity shop!  His scarf is a bit chopped off a scarf my friend decided she didn't really like!  His arms and legs are a little thin!  I didn't make the templates for him as large as the book suggested coz I thought he'd have been too big!  So now he looks like he needs to eat more pies!

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