Sunday 12 May 2013

Puppy collars

My mum and dad have recently got two new additions to their canine family - two adorable Yorkshire terriers, a boy and a girl called Benji and Topsy. I haven't seen them but apparently they're small enough to fit in the palm of your hand - how cute! So we wanted to do something to mark their arrival! Naturally, we turned to our sewing machines and this is what we made:

 They are adjustable, so hopefully they won't just be for them as puppies, they should be large enough to fit them as adults too. The collars are only a centimetre wide, so sewing the ribbon on was a little tricky - not much room for error!

Up until now I was zig-zagging the end of the cut ends of the webbing to stop it fraying but now I've learnt how to melt the ends.  I've always been too afraid to do this - me and flames is probably a recipe for disaster I thought!  But my friend showed me how to do it and I was surprised to see that the webbing and the flame don't actually need to meet each other!  Just moving the webbing towards the flame is enough for it to melt - no need to have the fire brigade on standby!

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