Sunday 12 May 2013

Moo-vellous cows!

We think these little additions are moo-vellous! When we saw this sew a cow kit from Galt, we knew we just had to make one - well two to be precise - one each!


The instructions were quite clear, so we were hopeful they wouldn't take too long to make - wrong! About 10hrs we reckoned in total! Interestingly, the kit says it's for age 8+.......hmmm, that would be one very clever and very patient 8yr old kid! We had about three paddies between us and we're definitely older than 8!

There are a lot of curves involved. This makes for a much better finished animal but it makes sewing a little trickier! We did however this time, try tacking the curved pieces together with cotton before we tried to sew them with the sewing machine. I've always thought this would be too much effort and would waste time but I was so wrong! Tacking doesn't take long with a large running stitch and it means you can then take the pins out - saving the wrestle with the unruly porcupine later! We'll definitely be tacking anything resembling curves from now on. It doesn't take long, it makes life easier and it actually works!

The cows have movable joints and sand in their bodies, so they sit really well. We love them but we haven't given them names yet!

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