Wednesday 20 February 2013

Misfit Moose with heart!

Yesterday we had a day finishing off those jobs that were half started. I can definitely recommend it, it's good for the soul! Now let me see, what exactly did we end up finishing. Well, we made another Jolly Sole, this time in yellow. We had some checked hearts that we'd appliqued smaller red hearts on the front. We never quite liked them, so we added a loopy ribbon around the smaller hearts and now we love them! We had some lavender hearts that people had said they couldn't smell the lavender in them. So we unpicked a bit of the seam, took the stuffing out, along with the little pouch we'd placed in there with lavender in. Then we filled them with loads of lavender via our newly acquired little silicone funnel (really cute it is!). Then obviously we sewed the gap closed. Think we did about 8 of them. Then we finished making the moose from the misfits book. Then we assembled the two Christmas reindeer's that we'd made a few weeks ago. So all in all, we achieved loads.

The reason behind this finishing off day? Well, we've got a little project that we so desperately want to get started on. A project of entire selfish indulgence! What is it I hear you ask? Watch this space!

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