Monday 11 February 2013

Birthday pressie - walking foot!

Those of you that know me will realise the irony in the title of this blog post! Having snapped the anterior talofibular ligament in my right ankle, I now have to wear a leg/ankle brace for the rest of my life. So had I got a true walking foot for my birthday, it would have been nothing short of a miracle! Emoji

However, I did get a walking foot for my Janome - lucky, lucky me! I had read about them and how they are good for quilting etc, coz they ensure that the top material is moved at the same speed as the bottom material. We had noticed that although you can line up two materials exactly at the beginning, by the time you reach the end, they are a few millimetres out. That might not sound much but as we've discovered, when you're quilting pieces together, a few millimetres can mean a huge difference - the joins either line up or they don't!

The walking foot was very easy to fit and isn't too noisy in operation either. It also comes with a quilting guide - a thin metal rod with an angled 'leg' (for want of a better word!) - that simply slots into a hole on the walking foot. This will come into it's own when we have to sew parallel lines.


  1. Wait what.......for the REST of your life???:(

  2. Afraid so! My current leg brace is blue with hearts on, so it's not all bad! :)

  3. Afraid so! My current leg brace is blue with hearts on, so it's not all bad! :)

  4. Afraid so! My current leg brace is blue with hearts on, so it's not all bad! :)
