Wednesday 13 February 2013

Mini Wronky's!

Just for a bit of fun we made these! They are a mini version of the sock creature called Wronky, from the book Stupid Creatures. These two were made from children's socks, hence they are smaller than our previous one. The eyes are a tad too large really but we only have the one size of wobbly eyes, so they had to do! We managed to do most of the sewing on the machine still, though it was a little trickier than the larger version! The only limbs we had to hand sew on were their little armies!

As for the actual socks...well now, there's a tale! We went to a shop the other day and we came across a little box of paradise! It was a box that was full of individual pairs of socks, all marked up at 20p a pair! We were so excited rummaging through - at 20p a pair it would be rude not to! We pulled out all the socks with a different coloured heel and toe. There were stripy ones, spotty ones, ones with flowers on....etc etc. Gosh knows what the staff must've thought when we turned up at the till with 25 pairs of socks! They probably thought we'd got quads or summit! We felt like the cats that got the cream!

The book recommends using a pair of socks to make the creatures. I am still collecting odd socks from people and do fully intend to recycle them into creatures of some description. The only trouble with recycling socks is that people tend to hang onto their socks until they have large holes in the bottom of them, and as I need the toe and heel intact, recycling them is a little more tricky! Technically I'd have to transplant a heel into the worn sock first. Like I say, not impossible, it just requires a little more effort first!

There are more sock creatures in the book that I can't wait to make. The only dilemma's are: which pair of socks and which creature to make next - pure heaven!

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