Thursday 31 January 2013

Quilted trivet

We've been busy again! This time, we produced two trivets. As you can see they are quite different. The yellow one was made out of the remaining material from the FQ's that we made a reindeer out of. The other, interestingly, is made out of one of the curtain swatches we purchased from the bargain bucket at our local So 'n' sew's. We felt it lent itself to this project as the pattern was quite large and of course, the material was quite sturdy! The quilted flower in the middle was easier to sew on the machine than I thought it was going to be - the curves were large enough to just be able to turn the material as you went. 
The technique we had a go at here, that we haven't done before, was edging the trivet using the edges of the underside material, folded over. We loved the idea and it looks good but we didn't find it easy - a fair bit of unpicking was done in the process! We need more practice me thinks! Think the fact that the trivet, when assembled, didn't look exactly square and needed a bit of trimming, probably didn't help. Also, as we don't know what batting we're using, we were wondering whether it was a thicker one than the one used in the pattern? There just didn't seem to be enough material to work with!
And as for the corners? Well, we don't think we've got them sussed either! We understand the idea but making neat corners is difficult when the turned over edging, is different widths! And no, it's not meant to be different widths (!) and we did try our best to keep it the same all along but alas, it was all wibbly wobbly! Am just looking at a union jack quilt that my friend made me and that edging is amazingly straight and the corners are it definitely is possible....but I think ours is reasonable for a first attempt!

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