Wednesday 23 January 2013

Christmas pressie reindeer

We've been busy making reindeers again. We had such positive comments about the reindeers we made for ourselves this Christmas, that we thought we'd make a few for Christmas pressies for our nearest and dearest! We wanted to make them sooner rather than later, as the 'how to's' were still fresh in our minds! Trouble is, we love them so much - can we really give them away?!

The materials are really cute! One has Christmas puddings on and the other has little santa sleighs on (thanks to Pauline's Patchwork again!).

The trickiest part is sewing the oval felt feet pads into position, though by the time I'd sewed 8 legs, I had got the hang of it more! On the original reindeer, we'd tacked them into position but the thought of doing 8 was a little off-putting! So we opted for two pins, one at each end of the oval. Then it was a case of sewing a few stitches, then moving the material, making sure that the edges of the felt pad and the edges of the legs are lined up as you go. I found it best to sew the pads in two halves (from end to end) removing the material from under the foot and re-starting at the other end. It's all quite fiddly but totally possible. Am not sure I'd be able to do it like this if the feet pads were any smaller tho!

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