Saturday 5 January 2013


This is the latest creation from the Misfits book. He's a panda called Wan Wan - well that's the name for him in the book but I'm sure I'll call him something else instead! Not sure what tho? The body is an old pair of men's chino's belonging to my friends dad and the head is from an old cream fleece.

The black circles for the panda's eyes are painted on with Dylon fabric paint. To fix the paint, once it's dried, you need to cover it with a cloth and iron it on a hot iron for 1-2 mins. This went well for the left eye as I'd used two layers of material between the iron and the paint. But then my solitary brain cell must have had an interruption in blood supply coz it failed to remember the 'two layers' bit! Consequently, I managed to scorch the fleece! So if you look below his right eye you can see the pointed end of the iron! Fleece doesn't take kindly to being ironed, it kinda melts! The only thing I can think of doing now is to iron it again carefully to see if I can blend the iron shape in a bit so it's not so obvious! Am not brave enough to try this yet, so for now, he'll just have to look like he had an argument with an iron and lost! 

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