Wednesday 26 September 2012

Butterfly for grandma!

Isn't she beautiful! I made this butterfly today as a room decoration for a friend of mine who is decorating a room in her house for her granddaughter to stay over in. She has decorated it with a butterfly theme, so when I saw this pattern on Sew, Mama, Sew (butterfly tutorial) website I just had to make her! It took me a while to co-ordinate the colour scheme of the butterfly from my small stash of materials but I love the finished result! I only hope grandma does too! My butterfly is for decoration only (not a toy), so I didn't use crinkly paper or a bell. Instead I used a framework of pipe cleaners in the wings, so that when it's hung from the ceiling beams the wings won't drop down around the body of the butterfly - genius if i may say so myself, though it was a little tricky doing this!

And I'm very pleased to announce that there was NO unpicking again today - steady on - this is becoming a bit of a habit!  Long may it last!

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