Wednesday 12 June 2013

Crochet row counter

How's about this for an idea then? Works on the same principle as the old abacus! And no, I'm not that old - we did have calculators when I was at school!

Basically, there are 9 beads on the pink strand, representing numbers 1 to 9. There are 9 beads on the purple strand, each bead representing 10. So when you're counting your rows, you move the beads up one at a time on the pink strand. When you've reached row 9, all the beads on the pink strand will be up. The next row, row 10, you move all 9 beads back down and move one bead up on the purple strand. 

In this example below, the number of rows completed is.........24. Genius isn't it! And best of all, we didn't have to buy a row counter!

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