Friday 19 April 2013

Zippy purses!

These are our creations from two of our fresh materials from Pauline's Patchwork. The materials are so nice, we find it difficult to cut them up! But we were feeling brave and thought, what's the point of having such lovely material if you just keep it in a drawer!

To give you an idea of size, these purses take a 4 inch zip. All the material is interfaced. The insides of the purse are plain colours, in this case, solid pink and solid green. Beautiful as they are, we thought they were lacking something - hmmmmm? Then we came up with the idea of the ribbon zip pull, with added flower shaped button and two co-ordinating beads - just perfect!

We broke yet another needle! Sewing over the zip at each end is like trying to defy the laws of physics! Solid thin needle meets a solid wall of zip teeth....SNAP!

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