Saturday 23 March 2013

Parrot, Mouse and a Koala!

A strange little trio there are! More animals from the Misfits book. I had trouble making all three for differing reasons! The parrots beak was way too huge and I been concentrating, I would have noticed that BEFORE I sewed it on! The next day I decided I couldn't live with it, so he underwent a little operation (not a nose job....more of a beak job!). Off came the beak, out came a lot of the stuffing and then I snipped off the excess, then re-attached what was left! He didn't seem to mind! Mind you, if you remember the Muppets show, then you'll remember Gonzo and his nose - this parrot has a Gonzo beak!

As for the mouse, well his body is quite long, probably the longest body in the book. Yet his head turned out quite small by comparison - like, really small! So I decided the mouse needed a much smaller body. Upstairs I went and ran one up on the sewing machine. I mustn't have been concentrating (again!) coz as you can see, the stripes are the wrong way round. I decided it didn't matter at the time but now, when I look at the mouse, it looks like he's got pyjama's on...hmmm.

Now of course I was left with one long gangly body and no head! So I went through the book looking for an animal with a large head - bingo - the koala! I really like the koala but I wouldn't have chosen to give him a brown stripey body but hey-ho, they are called misfits for a reason! The ears by the way on the koala, are made from a fluffy grey glove - recycling at it's best!

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