Sunday 10 March 2013

Claude - sock creature!

Being struck down with a cold is the perfect excuse to treat myself and make another sock creature - this one is Claude! He is from the Stupid Sock Creature book by John Murphy. He is made from one pair of girls High School Musical socks! Don't worry they weren't mine! I got them from a shop for just 20p! He has four legs as well as a long tail and the author says few have attempted him! When I read that, that was like the gaunlet had be thrown down - I like a challenge!

I managed to sew everything with the sewing machine except when it came to inserting the ears. The circumference was too small, so had to be hand sewn. And of course, his rubber-look lips, made from the heel of the sock, is also hand sewn. He took a lot of stuffing to fill him enough, so he could stand tall! He took about 3 hours to make - quite the little character!

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