Saturday 24 November 2012

Bertie Bear and five more misfits!

Firstly, if I have been conspicuous by my lack of blog posts, it's because I have been on holiday for a week, then when I came back I had an operation on my right hand/wrist and currently have my arm in plaster! And yes, I am right-handed! Hopefully, the cast will be off on monday. So providing there aren't any problems lurking under there, I shall be back at my sewing machine as soon as! Meanwhile, I will attempt to slowly tap out a few blog posts about what we have managed to achieve!

On holiday, we assembled, stuffed and hand-finished various items. Firstly, we assembled Bertie! He is a bear I knitted in next to no time. He is knitted in one 200g ball of Marble Chunky wool. He's about 35cm tall when he is sitting, so he's really a nice size to cuddle! Marble chunky wool comes in a huge variety of shades and at just £5-£6 a ball, it's a reasonable priced wool. I've knitted a cardigan and a waistcoat in different shades and of course, being chunky wool, it knits real quick and is as warm as toast!

Then we assembled these five misfit animals: a frog, a sausage dog, a pig, and two snakes!
Have discovered that using old t-shirt's to make the animals with, means that when you stuff the animals, the material stretches - sometimes too much! The sausage dog had to have two operations after he'd been assembled, to bring his head back to a reasonable size! We love the snakes, made from a pair of old knee-high stripy socks. The pig is cute. The nostrils are drawn on with a black labelling pen. We did manage to find some Dylon black fabric paint for future animals, which apparently, once painted on, doesn't dry crispy! Bonus! As for the frog? Well, we don't like him very much! He stretched every which way possible when we stuffed him and so he looks nothing like a frog! He needs a little bandana around his neck yet but I'm not even sure that'll help with his looks!

1 comment:

  1. Yep.... The pig is cute .... I think the frogs ok too!
