Sunday 24 June 2012

Designer Doggy Doo Bags

Had a spare hour this morning and wanted to have a go at making a poo bag holder! Strange desire to have on a sunday morning I know! These are like little pyramids tea bags in shape and once i got my head around making them, they were quite simple to run up. I felt quite confident with adding the zips after my practice on the zippy pouches the other day - didn't even feel the need to pin the zips in place this time. ( I could say I just zipped along but that would make you all groan!) I currently only possess 4" red zips, so I had to take that into account when I made these this time. I have just ordered some brown zips though because I want to make some of these with our pawprint material. Both being dog owners ourselves we think the tiny pawprint design will appeal to other fellow pet owners too - and their pampered pooches! Lets face it, with the dog hair and muddy pawprints, what's the point of having a dog if you can't pamper them and love them to death?! And of course, buy all sorts of accessories for them! (Well, the accessories are for us owners really but it makes us feel better to say Fido needs it!)

We've ordered some small caribiners to attach to the ribbon on these poo bags - that way they can easily be attached to the belt loop on jeans etc. At 4" from corner to corner, these little handy bags will take a roll of doggy poo bags, as well as your house keys and in my case (sensitive nose!), a few tissues! Thought we could call them Designer Doggy Doo Bags - lol!

Doggy Doo Bags, little purses etc

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