Saturday 21 July 2012

Tote bag with navy blue handles

For the first time ever, we had a sewing session that didn't involve any unpicking!!! Yay, progress! We made two more of our little tote bags but this time with navy blue herringbone cotton tape (1.5" wide). We thought that would be a more practical colour! We also learnt from our first prototypes to attach the handles to the lining before assembling the outer and inner layers together. It was hard to try to make sure the handles were exactly in the right place....they tended to move if you weren't paying attention! We also allowed for more at each end of the handles, so that they were easy to catch inbetween the layers. We were a bit miserly the first time round and it turned out to be a false economy - took loads more stress to ensure you had caught the handles at all! It's always a relief though when you turn everything the right way round and you find that everything is where it should be! If it was left to me, gosh only knows where the handles would have ended up!


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